The information displayed on this website is compiled by J.C. RAGS with constant care and attention. Nevertheless, it is possible that information published on the site may be incomplete and/or incorrect.
Regarding the prices listed on our website, we strive to represent reality and the intended prices as accurately as possible. Errors that arise and are recognizable as obvious programming or typing errors never constitute grounds for claiming or assuming a contract or agreement with J.C. RAGS.
The website and all its components, except for certain links, are the property of J.C. RAGS. It is not permitted to disclose, copy, reuse, or store the website or parts thereof without the explicit written consent of J.C. RAGS.
Our website contains links leading to third-party websites. These sites are intended for information purposes and are not owned by J.C. RAGS. Therefore, J.C. RAGS cannot provide any guarantee regarding the accuracy of these links or any other aspect of the information on third-party websites.
This disclaimer is considered part of the internet publication relating to this website. If certain statements on this website are incorrect and/or contrary to the law, it does not affect or influence other statements made elsewhere on this website. If this disclaimer changes, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer on this page.